FUM Academy: A New Chapter in Marble Education
On February 7th, FUM Academy reached a significant milestone with the inauguration of its new educational space dedicated to the study of marble and its applications. We were honored to welcome architect Giuseppe Zampieri from David Chipperfield Architects, who shared his insights and expertise with the students of the Master in Architecture for Landscape by YACademy.
Supernatural: Architecture and Marble: a Well-functioning Match
Il 4 e 5 ottobre Franchi Umberto Marmi, in media partnership con il magazine IQD, ha organizzato un importante evento, accogliendo presso la propria sede un nutrito gruppo di architetti provenienti da alcuni degli studi top italiani e proponendo loro un incontro ravvicinato col marmo di Carrara e con quanto gravita attorno ad un materiale che sta conoscendo una nuova stagione d’oro, non solo da un punto di vista commerciale, ma anche in termini di apprezzamento da parte della comunità dei progettisti, sempre in cerca di nuovi stimoli e input innovativi da sviluppare.
Carrara marble and Cinema
Sono numerosi i film girati a Carrara con protagoniste le cave e il marmo. Ne abbiamo selezionati tre tra i più celebri.
Stories: Carrara Marble for the Freedom Tower
Esattamente dieci anni fa nel 2013 veniva inaugurata la Freedom Tower, la torre simbolo del New World Trade Center, il complesso ricostruito dopo i tragici attacchi terroristici dell’11 settembre 2001.
5 of the most famous Carrara marble achitectural works in the world
Carrara marble has been used in architecture for centuries. It is rooted in the Roman age with the first architectural uses and the artistic ones. Over two thousand years of history have given humanity architectural masterpieces made of marble throughout the ages. From the religious to the civil context, passing through major works privately commissioned.
FUM - NAN'AN CITY - 15 years together
To celebrate 15 years of collaboration with Franchi Umberto Marmi, the mayor of Nan'An City, Mr. Wang Lian has taken the Economy and Trade Delegation to visit our headquarters
Nowadays, a Company in order to bear the seal of sustainability must take on precise criteria of self-assessment with respect to different impacts, that is, measuring its rating against values related to ESG principles: Enviromental, Social and Governance.
Marble words: 12 young asylum seekers visited the company
A group of 12 young asylum seekers and students from the Provincial Center for Adult Education of Massa Carrara (CPIA), an independent educational institution that creates a training offer for young people and adults who have not completed their compulsory education, visited the FUM headquarters in recent days.
The tiles: marble in Europe from the 16th century
Although Carrara marble was already known for its uses in architecture and art, during the sixteenth century it experienced a new season of distribution throughout Europe thanks to the tiles commonly called "marmette" or "quadrette".
Carrara marble on the Grand Tours
Carrara marble is a cultural bridge that crosses boundaries and goes beyond oceans. From the earliest times of the Roman world to the age of globalization, marble has been synonymous of excellence, beauty and uniqueness.
The luxury and sustainability of marble even "on board"
On the boat, where everything is designed for the maximum comfort of guests and for a top sailing experience, the excellence characterising our Made in Italy is increasingly the master, becoming the protagonist of these exclusive moments of freedom and pure contact with nature.
Eros table by Angelo Mangiarotti
With its natural uniqueness, through the centuries marble has often been used by great architects and sculptors for its exclusive characteristics of durability and versatility.
Marmo+Mac 2022
In occasione della 56°edizione di MARMO+MAC, che si svolgerà a Verona dal 27 al 30 settembre, Franchi Umberto Marmi è lieto di invitarLa a visitare il proprio stand.
Born in Carrara
What is the essence of Carrara marble? A millennia-long history, the genius of the artists, the excellence of the great architecture, the skill of the best craftsmen and the authenticity of being natural and sustainable.