Nowadays, a Company in order to bear the seal of sustainability must take on precise criteria of self-assessment with respect to different impacts, that is, measuring its rating against values related to ESG principles: Enviromental, Social and Governance.
In this way, it will be possible to quantify and qualify those corporate values that are not strictly economic and that outline a company’s identity and enable it to align with the points of the Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth that the European Commission published back in 2018 to foster the sustainable growth of large companies, for which the Sustainability Report is mandatory, and medium-small companies for which it is optional.
There are three key objectives of the Action Plan: redirecting capital flows toward sustainable investments to achieve sustainable and inclusive growth; managing financial risks arising from climate change, environmental degradation and social issues; and promoting transparency and the long term in financial and economic activity.
Franchi Umberto Marmi, with the publication of its first Sustainability Report, has embarked on a challenging course of work that has emphasized its already present commitment to doing business responsibly and confirmed its intention to implement an ethical business model, with full respect for resources and people. Through the Sustainability Report, FUM tells about its strategic choices and the values it upholds with respect to ESG criteria.
Responsibility and transparency are the two codes chosen by FUM to communicate to its stakeholders the results of this work and the resulting rating, to spread an idea of sustainability understood as an authentic virtuous combination of important investments and sustainable development goals, as love for its territory and commitment to the environment.
Let us begin by saying that the Company has long since adopted a code of ethics that provides for respect for the fundamental rights of people, the protection of moral, physical and cultural integrity, and the guarantee of equal opportunities.