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Chicco Chiari

Enthusiastic connoisseur of the contemporary japanese graphic, combining the attraction for the science and the scince fiction, technology and american cinematography, always highlithing the line that separate the vintage and ironic style from the futuristic and modern point of view, Enrico Chiari, crates unique and ironic sculptures using marble of carrara, taking inspiration from the beloved icons of his youth.
Each aspect of Enrico’s creations wants to tell us his desire of living an endless childhood, when everything is possible and the imagination is flowing without obstacles. Certainly childhood rappresents for him an escape from the real world filled with blood and no hope. Definitely We can say, with no doubt, that his works of art rappresnt a tribute to his carefree remebers. A rember made of precious marble, wood and steel… materials that contrast the ludic incons of the 80’s.
Enrico, gave the marble the aim of being a means between the past and the present, a bridge between what he loved and what he loves. Now he is projecting and developing his works of art, taking inspiration from famous artists, but mostly he is an husband and a father of two wonderfull children with whom he is still dreaming.
Ghosts and Pacman: Completely realized with marble of Carrara. Some pieces made of ‘marmo statuario’, all 7/6 mm thick, enough to allow the light to pass through. All unique and hilarious works of art. Each piece has its own support, light and a characteristic wooden crate.
