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Here below the significant events that characterized Franchi Umberto Marmi’s activities since the foundation to date


Founded by Umberto Franchi as individually owned firm

Early ’80s

Acquisition of a quarry in Crestola, in the Torano basin, Massa-Carrara

Late ’80s

Acquisition of another quarry producing white statuary marble

Late ’90s

Entry in the Asian market (China) and in the Middle Eastern market


Umberto Franchi’s children, Bernarda and Alberto, manage the Company. Entry in the American market

2006 – 2008

Purchase and relocation to the current industrial complex of about 47,000 square meters. Construction of the exhibition showroom


Involvement in prestigious projects: the “Tower One” of the World Trade Center and the new wing of Mecca in Jeddah

2014 – 2015

Acquisition of 25% of Marmi Pregiati Carrara and Artana Marmi Srl, and of 50% of Escavazione La Gioia Srl


Acquisition of 33.3% of Escavazione Calacatta Bondielli Srl


On October 11, 2018, the Company completed the proportional demerger of certain assets of Franchi Umberto Marmi in favour of Carrara Real Estate, company entirely owned by FUM shareholders


Partnership with a local Australian distributor


Listing on Euronext Growth Milan


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Closing of the acquisition of 50% of the company Engineer Giulio Faggioni Carrara S.r.l., one of the main operators in the sector of marble in the Apuan district