View of the quarries by Daan Zuijderwijk & Maaike Vergouwe
The created artworks are installations or manipulations with artificial light in the natural landscape. They are man made on the spot and not in post-production.

Daan Zuijderwijk (1974) and Maaike Vergouwe (1978) have been traveling through Europe in their self-built house on wheels for over four
years now, together with their three young daughters Fenna, Alba and Isolde. They are constantly looking for magnificent landscapes to
work and live in. They are fascinated by nature in all its diversity. In autumn 2020 they parked their truck at the slopes of the
impressive Carrara-Massa mountain to photograph the marble quarries. They got into contact with Andrea Franchi who showed Daan parts of
the family quarry.
Zuijderwijk and Vergouwe have formed a duo in their artistic lives as well, in which Zuijderwijk is responsible for the photographs and
Vergouwe takes care of the business aspects of their quest.

Daan: “My work is about the relationship between man and nature, but even more about how we look at the world. We all look at the world from our own perspectives and identities. We think we are aware, that we understand something about the world, but in fact what we see is only a fragment of a bigger reality. Within our family life and in my art work we investigate that concept of multiple realities in order to learn more about ourselves and our relationship with nature. I believe that as a society, we need to create new perspectives in order to find solutions for future challenges.”

Thank you,
Daan Zuijderwijk