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Tag archive: Marmo di Carrara

Why we use the terms “Calacatta” and “Bettogli” BLOG

Why we use the terms “Calacatta” and “Bettogli”

Il marmo di Carrara ha una storia millenaria che affonda le radici all’epoca romana quando era comunemente noto come marmo lunense.
5 of the most famous Carrara marble achitectural works in the world BLOG

5 of the most famous Carrara marble achitectural works in the world

Carrara marble has been used in architecture for centuries. It is rooted in the Roman age with the first architectural uses and the artistic ones. Over two thousand years of history have given humanity architectural masterpieces made of marble throughout the ages. From the religious to the civil context, passing through major works privately commissioned.

From "Essere Marmo", the Carrara marble sustainability manifesto, "Marble narrates"

Cosa racconta il marmo? Nel mentre che lo ammiriamo attraverso l’imponenza di un blocco, ma anche di una architettura contemporanea o di un monumento storico o, ancora, attraverso la sinuosità di una scultura, il marmo ci parla, ci trasmette emozioni e ci dona consapevolezza.
The tiles: marble in Europe from the 16th century BLOG

The tiles: marble in Europe from the 16th century

Although Carrara marble was already known for its uses in architecture and art, during the sixteenth century it experienced a new season of distribution throughout Europe thanks to the tiles commonly called "marmette" or "quadrette".